How To Drive More Traffic To An Open House
An open house is a real estate tradition that is used to drive more traffic to your listing and increase the chances of getting a sale. How exactly do you get the most out of your open house though? You can utilize open house signs and other methods to drive more traffic to your open house. Want to find out how? Keep reading.

Proper Open House Sign Usage
Your open house sign plays an integral role in your open house traffic. Best practice for open house signs is that you place them in a five to seven block round area. This allows for optimum traffic direction and helps to prevent people from getting lost. It also helps to place signs at major intersections in the area to give people a place to start.
You need to make sure that the open house signs are out early. People will be looking for them at the start of the open house. Some even plan to be there early so that they can be the first through the door. Without the signs there, people might have trouble finding the location. They also might assume that they have the day wrong if there aren’t signs out there.
Advertise In Advance
Why not take an open house sign with the date and time of the open house and place it on your for sale sign a week in advance also with Irvine printing & graphics Irvine ca? This allows people who are passing by to see when they can come by again to see the house. This can attract people who weren’t even thinking about coming, they are caught by advertisement. This is part of the reason we have for sale signs anyways. Put them to use for your open house too.
Encourage The Neighbors
Rarely you will find your listings have neighbours that you don’t want anywhere near your open house. But as we said, this is rarely. In most cases you want the neighbours to come to the open house. You even want to encourage them. Why is that? Neighbours can be one of your biggest advertisers. Most people want their friends to become their neighbours so they will start spreading the word amongst their friends. You can go door to door or leave flyers letting the neighbours know when the open house will be.
Utilize Online Services
There are many online services like Zillow for placing listings online. You can also post your open houses on sources like this. This allows people to find it when they search for open houses. It also helps people to plan when they want to see the house without needing to contact you. It gives much larger population access to when your open house will be.
Don’t forget that there are more options out there for open house posting online than just real estate websites. You can also bring social media and classified websites (i.e. Craigslist) into it. Social media is one of the biggest sources of sharing of online content. If you can get your open house shared locally, you can see a major influx of traffic.
Offer Something Free
People love free stuff, no matter what it is. Put on the open house advertisements that you will be offering free treats, such as cookies. Coffee is also a popular freebie. Some real estate agents will go as far as to offer free Starbucks gift cards to the first however many visitors. For some, this may be overboard, but it is very likely to attract more visitors.
Creative Banner Company Near Me
Originally it took someone being creative to think of open house signs or to a banner company near me on social media. You need to take the initiative to be creative with your own open houses. Find where you can possibly put in a new advertisement or drive traffic from a new tunnel. You could be the one making this list next time if you do.
Use these tips to start driving your open house traffic up. Each tip can help you make more of your open house sign. Do you have a really good tip for upping traffic? Let us know in the comments section down below